Resist The Urge...
One of the most common phrases you hear with regard to new things or change is, "resist the urge." In education, resisting the urge of the decades has become more of the norm than the rarity. Recently, technology integration, the Common Core Learning Standards, new teacher evaluation models, turbulent budget season, and more have all been a valid reason to resist the urge. However, resisting the urge of these initiatives and other societal events that are pushed upon us does not take away the issues we face or change or mission/focus. Regardless of what happens in the world around us, our children and students will still be walking through our doors each day, innocently expecting an education. We owe to each and every child to stop resisting the urge with education and start becoming the urge. If we all put a fraction of the time we spend complaining about things "we have to do" into being a part of the solution, who knows what could happen. At any given point s...