Hopping Down the Trail...
I love that quote, "When the going gets tough, QUIT!!" Unfortunately, for many individuals in our society this quote has become the reality for many reasons. In our schools, students are quick to give up on anything from small tasks, to athletic teams, to friendships because the challenge is greater than expected. Life is full of challenges as all adults know, but adults also have experienced the benefit of perseverance and survival. Our students have not all had the privilege to experience this joy and satisfaction yet. However, for some students they haven't experienced this because throughout their whole life they have been told that they can't succeed, or at least that is the perceived message that they are receiving. No educator would like to see children be unsuccessful, but at the same time many educators don't stop to think of the unintended consequences of our habitual language. I personally have never been one to go down the path most traveled. In fa...