The Train is Rolling...
The past 2 weeks have been extremely busy throughout the Rome City School District. I have had the opportunity to meet with various parents and staff as they stop by the district office to say hello. The moving of Joy and Strough are both well underway as the finishing touches are being made to Joy school now. I look forward to visiting there in the coming week. Summer programs are running well for both students and athletes. Pretty much every day of the week you can find Rome children honing their skills on something. The final item that I am most proud of is that we are welcoming a good crop of new educators and staff members to our Rome community this summer. Our building principals, teachers, and staff throughout the district have been working diligently to recruit and bring in high quality individuals to fill our vacancies. Our school community and greater community at large are buzzing about the upcoming school year. Everywhere I go through the central NY region, people are tal...