Zombies, Zoinks...
As our iconic friend Scooby-Doo and his buddy Shaggy would often say, "Zoinks!! Zombies Scoobs!!" I feel like sometimes that's what we all think when we ourselves do not get enough sleep and/or our students come to school without getting enough sleep. As adults, we are able to know what our deficiencies are and what the negative outcomes may be of not getting enough sleep. Sure we can still function and most times our demeanor isn't affected, but a lack of sleep can still have a negative effect on our performance. More importantly, students who are not able to get the necessary amounts of rest each day generally present challenges in school. For some students, this can lead to discipline problems, while others it leads to academic deficiencies. Regardless, having enough rest is crucial for the success of everyone. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that school age children (ages 6-13) get anywhere between 9 and 11 hours of rest each night. Teenagers (ages 14-...