Time to Prepare...
It's hard to believe that we are already approaching Labor Day and the opening of another school year. The New York State Fair is underway, fall athletics are prepping for their first scrimmages, and back to school shopping sales have been ongoing for weeks. With the excitement of a fresh start and the opportunities that a new school year brings, there are also many stressful times for students and families alike when school re-starts. If your kids are anything like many others during the summer, they have probably been out of a sleeping routine, eating on a different schedule than normal, maybe eating differently than normal, and just plain and simple been enjoying some freedom unbound by a school schedule. Getting back to routines can be a challenge for any child or family. While none of this is new information and we know the challenges of getting back into the swing of things, a simple reminder and some resources never hurts. The article below may have some general informa...