The Power of Positive...
This week is a reboot of an old post that I enjoyed writing and think about often. As you may know, Rome schools participate in a program called Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) which aims to provide positive reinforcement to students who are doing things right, versus focusing on negative behaviors. Whenever our teachers are talking about behavior or concerns that they see, it continues to be amazing to see the number of individuals (adults and students) that bring about real-world issues for our schools and sought ways to make things better. As much as teenagers want independence and the ability to do as they please, it is obvious through talking with them that they also crave structure, expectations, and a positive climate. Most defiance comes when teenagers (and all children really) feel disrespected. Ironically, isn't that the case for all people? Our students have no problem being accountable, and most accept accountability, but they need positive reinforce...