Circle of Influence...
Following the tragic event at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14, 2018, people throughout the country have been debating, discussing, collaborating, and coming together to find ways to improve school security. You can imagine that as a superintendent, every conversation I've had for the past week has touched on this topic. The issue surrounding these conversations is that once again, education is the only profession in the country where 99.9% of adults have experienced it, so everyone thinks they know everything about being a teacher or working in a school. Most people want to know what we are going to do to "prevent" something tragic like that from happening. My response is simple, if we want to "prevent" school shootings from happening, then our schools need to become maximum security prisons. We would need metal detectors at every entrance, barbed wire fences around the perimeter, no visitors or guests, no community events after hours, vis...