Powerful and Powerless...

Paulo Friere is one of the world's foremost social rights activist who made a career in South America attempting to liberate individuals who were perceived to be underprivileged and oppressed. His work is strongly and closely intertwined with the world of education because Friere firmly believed that fair and equitable education was the key to ending oppression throughout the world. The majority of his philosophy is steeped not in traditional civil rights mentality that many of us in America are used to, but more in the difference between those who have power and those that do not. His philosophy is about all of us having equal power through education, not through laws and regulation. In Friere's world, ignorance was the barrier that continued the cycle of oppression. Lack of knowledge and ignorance prevented his society and community from maximizing their potential. Traditional societies don't seek out knowledge nor care to learn however, they live on ignorance which becomes the downfall. Friere fought for decades to encourage learning and educational equality. How does this relate to education? A Friere quote: "Liberating education consists in acts of cognition, not the transfer of information." American education has been nothing by the transfer of information. Our whole system is built to oppress students. Our children are powerless. The tide has shifted some over recent decades, but it's not where it needs to be. Adults throughout the country still speak down to children, push the buttons that they know will upset them, and make comments that can make students fearful of adults. Our job in education is not to fill heads with thoughts and information, our job is to make it possible for students to become themselves. Most importantly, education is not limited to those that work in schools. Education is the responsibility of a community. All adults need to be cognizant of language, how we treat children, the example we set for them by how we treat each other. After all, the children are our future. Education is the learning of behavior through experience. It's time to stop using our power to oppress our youth and time to use our power to empower our students to be themselves. 

Strough Musical

On Thursday, February 8, all Strough Middle School staff and students will be going to Rome Free Academy Auditorium to watch the Strough's Drama clubs performance of “My Son, Pinocchio Jr.”. The public performance for “My Son, Pinocchio Jr.” will be held at the Rome Free Academy auditorium on Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, February 8, 9 and 10, starting at 7:00pm. Tickets will be sold at the door for $.5.00. Pre-sale tickets will be sold at Jervis Library in Rome for $4.00 until Friday, February 9th.  If you have any questions or would like additional information regarding this event, please contact Strough Middle School.

RFA Travel Club

On Tuesday, February 13, the RFA Travel Club will be holding an informational session to gauge interest for their 2019 international trip to China. The meeting will be held in room 1310 at RFA beginning at 6:00 p.m. Students currently in grades 8 through 11 are welcome to attend, along with families and Rome staff. The Travel Club takes their international trip each year during the school break in April and more informational will be available at the meeting.

Athletic Roundup

With the winter athletic season winding down and heading into the post-season, our teams across the board are completing fantastic seasons. Both bowling teams roll into sectional competition this weekend as a force to be reckoned with and the girls' team is the undefeated TVL champions. Also undefeated and TVL champions is our boys' swim team as they enter sectional competition. Our girls volleyball and basketball teams continue to grow and show improvement with each contest as they approach the post season. The hockey team tore through the month of January with 6 straight victories and this young team is looking to do some damage in the post season. Both of the girls’ and boys’ track teams head to sectional competition as TVL Champions. Finally, speaking of victory streaks, the boys' basketball team has won 15 straight and continue to show their poise and commitment to each other with multiple overtime and late game wins. It's going to be a great postseason for RFA winter sports, good luck to all!!

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