'K'-Coins Abound...

No, I am not blogging about my new attempt at an internet sensation to replace the bitcoin. Actually, a 'K'-coin is an initiative started by the RFA PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) team several years ago as a method to provide students and staff with compliments. PBIS is a program that we have adopted in the Rome City Schools that works to compliment people and recognize positive behaviors, rather than the traditional method of noticing negative behaviors in schools. The 'K' stands for Knight and individuals at the high school are awarded with the 'K'-coin randomly by either staff members or fellow students. The entire PBIS program has been very successful throughout our region and it can be monumental in shifting the needle from negatively treating each other, to seeing the positive in everything. With this blog, I want to send out my own 'K'-coin kudos to our entire district. The past week (and through this weekend with the cold) has been an extreme challenge on our buildings and grounds department. Our custodians and maintenance staff have worked tirelessly to keep snow and ice clear of our lots and walkways, while others have worked to ensure that our boilers are functioning through the extreme cold. Our staff has done a wonderful job and maintaining focus on learning and students as we are faced with the constant uncertainty of winter. The clerical staff always deserves a tremendous K-coin for always being our front line and taking many negative calls throughout the days. It is challenging to remain positive day after day when people feel that they have a privilege to be able to curse at our clerical staff and call them names. Finally, our students deserve a some 'K'-coins for through all the potential negative that can exist out there (especially on social media), for answering the call to rise above negativity and learn to utilize social media in a positive light. Winter is not an easy time of year for public schools because we are always under scrutiny by people that think that have a small clue about the reality of public schools, but our organization is off to a great start this winter. Thank you everyone for remaining focused on the goal of making Rome the best school district in New York and off of the distractions. 'K'-coins for all!!

Strough Art Show

Strough Middle School is currently holding an art show at the Rome MVCC campus. The show opened this past week on January 4 and will close on Wednesday, January 17. The student art work is on display in the Plumley Complex commons area. The staff are excited to share the work of our students with the community and I encourage you to take a few minutes out of your day to walk through the art show and enjoy the great work of your young artists!

CFLR Partnership

The Rome City School District is pleased to have been able to develop a partnership this year with the Center for Family, Life, and Recovery (CFLR). CFLR is a local organization that provides many benefits to families and children throughout our community who struggle with a myriad of potential life altering concerns. Their specialties span from social emotional concerns, mental health, to substance abuse and addiction. Our school district currently has an individual available to work with students and families that may be experiencing some challenges related to these things. If you feel that your student may benefit from speaking with a professional in this area, please contact Amanda Jones (Director of Counseling Services) at the District Office for more information.

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