Welcome 2018...

The ringing in of the New Year always brings a sense of newfound hope, energy, and optimism for many throughout the country and the world. Turning over the calendar is a nice symbolic way to close a chapter and begin anew. A year is made up of 365 days and today brings with it the first opportunity to make 2018 a better year than the previous one. In fact, we all have 365 opportunities to make 2018 special. It would certainly be nice if a simple changing of the calendar and a new number at the end of the year would be enough to make the world a better place. If only it were that simple to create a different outcome or scenario. Unfortunately, for many people in our community and country, real world problems are a fact of daily life and simply changing a date can't take away the concern, fear, and uncertainty that they face. While there isn't much that many others can do either, we can continue our work of treating each other with respect, dignity, and honor. We've all heard the phrase that you never know what someone is dealing with until you've walked a day in their lives. Our society in general has become one of pessimism and negativity where individuals feel that lashing out and putting others down is acceptable and appropriate. The unfortunate outcome of these actions is often unseen by those issuing the verbal attack, as they generally have no comprehension of the reality in which others live. This is something that does not have to be the norm if we all take a moment to think before we act and care more for others than we do ourselves. It's an age old concept that can lead to tremendous growth. As we enter 2018, I look forward to the challenge of continuing our work to make Rome the most prestigious location for education in New York State. The challenge is great, the road is long, but our children deserve innovation and opportunity. Let's contribute to the opportunity by setting the example of how to treat each other in 2018. Our children are counting on us in 2018, are you going to welcome the challenge? 

RFA Scholar Athletes

Each athletic season, Section 3 Athletics recognizes student athletes and teams that achieve either a combined 90% academic average as a team, or 90% academic average as an individual. This fall, Rome Free Academy had 110 student athletes from 12 teams achieve the status of scholar athlete. Along with this honor, our Girls' gymnastics, soccer, cross country, swimming/diving, and tennis teams all received the scholar team award. On the Boys' side, our soccer and cross country teams were honored with scholar team award. Congratulations to all of the athletes who represent our school and community. Keep up the great work!! 

RFA Cabaret

On Saturday, January 6, 2018, the RFA music department will be hosting their annual student and alumni cabaret. The Cabaret is an annual event that brings together the current music students of Rome, with alumni from all walks of life. The concert will be held in the RFA auditorium and will begin at 7:30 p.m. For more information about this event, please contact the RFA main office.

RCSD App Now Available

Dove tailing with our website redesign this past summer, our technology team has also developed our first mobile application. Available through Apple's App Store or through Android's Google Play Store, you can download the app to your device and customize as you prefer. Some basic features include allowing you to set the app for your child's school to receive messages/information about that school only. Simply search for Rome City School District in the store and you will find our app with the District logo. 

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