A New Beginning...

 One of the most challenging things that all human beings can face is change. By nature we enjoy the comfort of routine and knowing what happens next. In education, most of our whole lives are centered around routine and clearly defined expectations. We have bells that tell us when to leave or arrive at class, due dates for assignments, clear and precise directions for how to complete assignments, and curriculum that tells us what we should be teaching.

So what happens when these routines are disrupted? In our classrooms we have mastered the art of improvisation because rarely does a lesson go the way we want in our head. However, many of us still struggle to handle change when we are not in control or don't know what's coming. This week I begin my new journey with my new professional family at Rome Free Academy High School. While I myself am excited, nervous, optimistic, and yes a bit scared; I know that the foundation established at RFA will help this transition. I look forward to the opportunity ahead and through collaboration as educators, I am excited about the amazing things we can do together. Change is never easy, but through listening and open communication, anyone can make the change process what it needs to be to benefit all.

Black Knight Kudos ...

Congratulations to the girls cross-country team for winning their second consecutive Tri-Valley League Championship this past weekend.

Congratulations to the RFA Marching Band on their second place finish this past weekend during the NYSFBC State Championships.

This Week at RFA...

11/3 - RFA Blood Drive in the Small Gym
11/3 - Education Policy Committee Meeting
11/4 - STASS Meeting in the Small Cafe
11/4 - Faculty Meeting in the Small Cafe
11/4 - BOE Meeting
11/4 - National Honor Society Induction in the Auditorium
11/5 - French Club Dinner in the Cafe
11/6 - FBLA Field Trip to Herkimer BOCES
11/7 - SAT Exams
11/7 - Marching Band Performance in Veteran's Parade
11/7 - NHS Dodgeball Tournament in the Large Gym

Worth the Read...

Take a Moment to Self Reflect and Grow...

Think about the last professional transition that you went through. I'm sure that things went well while others did not go so well. What could you have done differently to help yourself and/or your colleagues have a better transition experience?

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