Overcoming the Negative...

Have you noticed recently (over the past few decades at least) that the human race has developed into a group of pessimists? It just seems that whenever something is heard, the human mind always looks at the negative first, or worst case scenario. Or, when someone has a good or even decent idea, there are always people there to say that it can't be done. When did humans devolve into a society of naysayers and status quo lovers? I get the feeling sometimes that wherever you turn you are faced with the proverbial "sky is falling" clan. Sure, we have all been in that club at some point in time or another. I just succumb to their influence a few months ago when issues began to arise in the RFA auditorium. I let the moment and the influence get to me. This was frustrating for me only because I generally try to pride myself in maintaining a positive approach and pushing the envelope of creativity, which are the antithesis of negativity. Regardless, it happens to all of us from time to time and for some reason more and more people seem to falling into the trap of status quo and seeing the negative in things more than the positive. I've been searching for the magic trick to help people see more positive in all that everyone does, as well as being more optimistic about our future. Many may read this message and assume that I am speaking about our own little community, alas I am not. This "disease" has infiltrated all communities across our nation. It's not New Year's so a resolution isn't in order; but maybe a challenge is! I challenge you to stop reacting to things without thinking about all possibilities and purposes before making a decision. I would argue that you will find yourself being more positive and optimistic simply by slowing down your thought process. Stephen Covey once said, "Seek first to understand, then to be understood." This cannot be more true than when trying to change our mindset to become more positive. Overcome the negative, our future will thank you for it!!  

RFA Musical

The 2017 Rome Free Academy Musical, Grease, opens this week!! Performances will be Thursday, April 6, Friday, April 7, and Saturday, April 8, all beginning at 7:30 p.m. Pre-sale tickets are $7 and tickets at the door are $8. All tickets are general admission. On Friday, stop by early and enjoy a chicken riggie dinner held in the RFA cafeteria from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. for $10. Sounds like a great date night!!

FBLA Competes in State Finals

The Rome Free Academy Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) team has qualified for the State Competition next weekend, April 5-7 in Rochester, NY. The students pictured below all advanced due to their teamwork and continuous success this season. They will be competing with other FBLA members from throughout NY on various business topics. The RFA members include: Ruqiyah Shaik, Reilly O'Shaughnessy, Erika Rizzo, Jessica Strzepek, Kaylei Wood, Robert Hojnacki, Deven Desai, Tristan Hunzinger, Billy Tallarino, Cameron Kilpatrick, Massimo Mattacola and Josh Wood. The are led by faculty advisor, Mary Campbell.

Commissioner's Advisory Panel

The New York State Education Department’s Commissioner’s Advisory Panel for Special Education Services is currently seeking letters of interest and resumes for the constituency “Parents or Guardians of Children with Disabilities” for the central New York region.  The Panel functions in an advisory capacity to the Office of Special Education and advises the Governor, Legislature and Commissioner on unmet needs in the education of students with disabilities. Members are appointed for a three-year term by the Commissioner of Education.  The Commissioner’s Advisory Panel holds three meetings per year in Albany. Members serve without compensation but their reasonable and necessary expenses for attending meetings and performing duties are reimbursed. Individuals from the Central New York region who are interested in becoming a parent member of the Commissioner’s Advisory Panel for Special Education Services should send a letter of interest and resume no later than April 30, 2017, to:

New York State Education Department
Office of Special Education
89 Washington Avenue
Room 309 EB
Albany, NY 12234
Attention:  Sandra Cote

For additional information regarding the Commissioner’s Advisory Panel for Special Education Services, please visit the New York State Education Department’s website at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/cap/Questions may be directed to Sandra Cote, Associate in Education of Children with Disabilities, at 518-473-2878, or speced@nysed.gov.

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