Miracle Clerical...

This Wednesday, April 21, marks the annual Administrative Professionals Day. The title can take on many forms; secretary, clerical, assistant, etc., however, the work remains the same and the challenges don't change with the title. Each and every day, the clerical staff of the Rome City School District rises to the occasion to support our staff, students, families, and community. While many people will go above and beyond, I can honestly say that our clerical staff have always been at the front of the line asking, "what else can I do" or "what can I learn." They are the front lines for all of our buildings, often having to carefully maneuver through difficult phone calls and helping our families and community understand various aspects of a school district. At least daily, these individuals are treated with extreme disrespect and met with phone calls that are littered with profanity, insults, and threats. The job is not as easy as one would suspect, and our entire clerical staff deserves the rest of our unsolicited support. They help our staff navigate through a myriad of issues and questions on a daily basis. Our clerical staff is equipped with knowledge and information to make any person's day easier, when they are in need of a hand. Working early in the morning, staying late in the afternoon (or evening if necessary), the clerical staff of the Rome City School District is second to none. Our team of secretaries are some of the most caring and team oriented people anyone could ask for. On behalf of the entire district, I say "THANK YOU" for the wonderful things that you do everyday to help our administrators, assist teachers, support our staff, work with our students, and communicate with our community, all in the interest of continuing to move the school district forward. We are forever grateful for everything you do on a daily basis to help the rest of us. You truly are the miracle of the Rome City School District.  

Medication Take-Back Event

The Oneida County Prevention Team, which is a sub-group of the Oneida County Opioid Task Force, in collaboration with the Oneida County Sherriff's Office and Center for Family Life and Recovery are working together to "Take Back" unused or expired prescription and over-the-counter medications, including pet medications, by offering a drive-through event! On Saturday, April 24, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. you can drop off unwanted medications at Union Station, 321 Main Street, in Utica.

Board of Education - Petitions Available

This year, there are three (3) open seats on the Board of Education. All three of these seats will be available on July 1, 2021. The term limit for each open seat is three years, expiring on June 30, 2024. Interested candidates can obtain a petition beginning on March 25, 2021. Completed petitions must include FIFTY (50) qualified signatures and must be returned to the business office of the district at 409 Bell Road, and are due back before 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 28, 2021. Petitions are available for pick up at the business office of the Rome City School District. Any questions regarding open seats for the Board of Education can be directed to the business office or the Board of Education President, Mr. Paul Hagerty.

Grades 3-8 ELA Assessments

This week, students in grades 3-8 will be participating in the New York State 3-8 English Language Arts assessments. There is no virtual option for these assessments, which means remote students will not be participating and any student who is not in school on those days, will not be participating. In a positive direction, each assessment will only be offered for one day, which is a change from years past. Finally, perhaps the most positive news of the week, the assessments are no longer connected to anything. They are truly meant to be a measure of student learning and can be used to help aid in future planning for teachers. Detailed information has been provided already by individual schools for families, and more information should be forthcoming throughout the week.


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