Here We Go...

 It is hard to believe that sitting here writing this that the purpose would need to be more about sharing requirements and procedures for the year than providing words of encouragement and optimism. As we ended last school year, with a fully open graduation ceremony, and navigated the summer with lessening restrictions, it became enjoyable to think that we would welcome everyone back to our schools with less compliance-oriented conversation and more "normal" conversations and choices related to school. Regardless, here we sit at the last minute with a new Governor and new requirements being sent onto schools as we embark on the journey of the 2021-2022 school year. While no rule is ever going to please everyone, we are living in a time where people are feeling betrayed, unsupported, exhausted, and stressed to the max. The keyword in that sentence is feeling. No matter how much information a person has, it is difficult to change a feeling, and everyone is entitled to their feelings. In the past weeks, schools all over the country have witnessed these feelings bubble over and tempers flare on both sides of COVID-related topics. We are not immune to that Rome. We have many people on both sides of every argument. However, there was a day in our country when it was okay to have a healthy debate. It was okay to disagree and have opposing viewpoints and that didn't mean that the other side was wrong. People could discuss tough topics and at the end, agree to disagree, shake hands, and go get a meal together and laugh. We have lost that. We have lost the ability to attempt to view another person's perspective and the ability to understand that sometimes we all must sacrifice for the greater good. That sounds way too military for my taste, but it's true. And right now, we need to sacrifice for our kids. We are all inconvenienced by something and frustrated with something/someone. That is okay, but let's not let it affect the work we do with our kids. They still need us. Please keep in mind that while we are all mentally and physically fatigued and done with COVID, it's still here and a lot of it is still not in our control. Our students are also mentally and physically drained. The more we can do to focus our efforts on providing education, the better we will all be. Rome has routinely risen above any challenge and delivered throughout any adversity. As we prepare to embark on this journey, I urge everyone to remember that all people (young and old) are doing their very best to navigate the situation while operating on an empty tank. Let's take care of each other first, and the rest will fall into place!

Below are few key items that folks have been concerned about as we prepare to open schools for the 2021-2022 school year. As the week progresses and more detailed information is provided from the State, we will be certain to pass the information along. 

MASKS: Obviously, the most controversial issue relating to schools right now, universal masking is required in all public schools throughout New York State as ordered by the Commissioner of the New York State Department of Health late last week. This means that all staff, students, and visitors will be required to wear a mask in our facilities effective immediately. Also, all students using school district transportation will be required to wear a mask at all times. Masks for outdoor activities and while eating are not required and we will continue to encourage our staff to allow for mask breaks throughout the day, as well as finding ways to provide outdoor instruction whenever possible. To view the order from the NYSDOH, please visit

QUARANTINES: One positive adjustment to the upcoming year and the manner in which things will be conducted is in the area of mandatory quarantines. Last year, many schools and families were disrupted as the quarantine procedures were fairly restrictive to keeping schools open. In the coming months, the current quarantine parameters passed on from the County include:

  • No quarantine for any student who is MASKED and in contact with a positive case within a classroom.
  • No quarantine for any adult who is VACCINATED and in contact with a positive case within a classroom, and is not experiencing symptoms of COVID.
As with everything, it is possible for this to change as the year progresses, so please stay tuned to our updates.

HEALTH SCREENINGS: Students, staff, and visitors will not need to complete the daily/weekly health screening questionnaires this year.

TEMPERATURE CHECKS: Temperature checks have also been discontinued this school year. The NYSDOH and CDC continue to recommend that any student who is not feeling well or exhibiting symptoms of COVID should remain home and get tested.

PHYSICAL DISTANCING: Physical distancing of 3-feet is recommended and preferred to the greatest extent possible. There is no requirement for physical distancing. The State has offered the following clarification on distancing this weekend: “Because of the importance of in-person learning, schools should implement physical distancing to the extent possible within their structures but should not exclude students from in-person learning to keep a minimum distance requirement.”  This will also be helpful to keeping schools open and allowing students to attend in-person learning.

REMOTE OPTIONS: For the coming year, there is no remote learning option available for students, unless there is a medically documented purpose for the student to learn remotely. The district will utilize the 504 process in order to determine if a student qualifies for remote learning as an accommodation under this law. If you feel your child has a medical need that precludes them from attending in-person learning, please speak to your child's building principal for more information on the 504 process. Requests will be handled through our Educational Programs department.

MEALS: Our meals will once again be free for all students in the coming year. All students will have access to lunch while in school and we will be providing breakfast for the following day to students at the end of the day while they are exiting the school. This allows for minimal mass eating opportunities in the school and should mitigate the potential spread of COVID.

ATHLETICS: Athletics will operate in the coming year. The current recommendation is that all athletes in a high-risk sport either receive the vaccination or obtain a weekly COVID test. We do plan to implement this practice with our high-risk athletes, however, details on the requirements and processes have not yet been finalized. More information will be available for athletes in families this week.

Student Immunizations (non-COVID)

As a reminder, New York State has passed a law that no longer allows for the religious exemption for school vaccinations. Also, all laws that are applicable to school-related required vaccines are back in effect for the 2021-2022 school year. The link below will take you to the State Education Department website that outlines the required vaccinations. Please speak to your school nurse or family physician if you have any questions regarding any requirements. 

School Immunization Requirements

Parent Portal

Parent Portal is an online method for families to access our student management system, SchoolTool. We will once again be utilizing Parent Portal this year for the communication of student progress reports, ongoing grade reporting, and attendance. Once you log in, and a report has been published, you will easily be able to view these reports in your portal. If you do not already have an account and would like to sign up for an account, please contact your child's school.

PeachJar Program

Once again, the Rome City School District will be working with a vendor to electronically distribute fliers that are typically copied and sent home through backpacks. Beyond just the distribution of fliers, the program can also allow individuals to register or sign up for events online; allowing building staff's to have a better handle on attendance figures prior to an event. If you have not already signed up for the program, you can do so by visiting our website at You can register for the program by clicking "My Account". 

Parent Square

ParentSquare is here!! On July 1, 2021 the Rome City School District shifted to a communication platform called ParentSquare as our mode of push communication to families and staff, replacing our old system, SchoolMessenger. ParentSquare has many more options, including two-way opportunities for families to communicate with schools and teachers. ParentSquare also has many teacher resources for easily communicating with parents and students, that we will begin rolling out in the coming months. You should have received an email with an invitation to ParentSquare last spring. It is essential that you activate your account and adjust your settings to your preferred modes of communication and times. For more information, including resources for how to activate your account and how to use Parent Square, please visit our website at

Information and Questions

As opening day draws closer, we understand that people will continue to have questions and be in need of information. Please review our website first in an attempt to find answers to any questions. If a quick answer cannot be found, your child's teacher and/or principal should be your next contact. From there, they can assist you in getting your concern addressed. Our social media pages are also a great location for up-to-date information related to all school activities. Finally, to view the New York State Education Department opening guidance and the Oneida County opening guidlines, please visit the pages below.


Oneida County:

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