Thank You Vets...

This upcoming Thursday is one of the most underappreciated days of recognition in our country, however, is quickly growing in the correct direction. Next Thursday, our nation recognizes Veteran's Day for all of our women and men who have dedicated their service to our country in one way, shape, or form. As we all know, not every individual is cut out to do everything; and there are certain things that individuals simply cannot do that others can. That is a fact of life. Having the fortitude, mental stamina, and courage to serve in our nation's military is one of life's paths that not everyone can follow. The women and men of our military forces are constantly in harm's way to provide security for the rest of us. They perform their duties courageously knowing that the ultimate sacrifice is always a possibility. One of the most inspiring features that I have grown to admire of the veterans that I know is the humbleness with which they live their lives. Walking down the street every day are thousands of veterans who bring the qualities of dedication, perseverance, grit, pride, and service to the rest of us. All of our veterans deserve much more than one day of recognition as the lessons that they bring to the table are significant if we are willing to listen. While we approach this Veteran's Day, please take time to speak with a veteran about their view of society, see what lessons you can learn from them, and make sure you thank our veterans as you see them. Your service has provided the rest of us with freedom, and for that, we are eternally grateful. Thank you, veterans!!

RFA Program Rewarded

The Rome City School District is excited to announce its involvement in offering the New York State Seal of Biliteracy for the past two years has resulted in the program receiving recognition from the New York State Education Department. The district has earned what is called the silver seal. For students to receive this great distinction they must demonstrate proficiency and fluency in two languages or more. All students who have received this honor had to complete a ten-minute presentation in their target language. Students also had to write a paper and complete an interview with a person native to that country. All of their work is completed and presented in the language other than English and is then graded by the Seal of Biliteracy committee. To date, students have received this distinction in Spanish, French, Arabic, and Karen. All students who are deemed fluent are then given a medal, an award, as well as have a special seal placed directly on their diploma. Thank you to our faculty, staff, and advisor of the program for the time and energy it takes to support our students with this prestigious opportunity.

Calendar Reminder

As a reminder, there is a calendar change this coming week from the beginning of the year. Friday, will be a full in-person learning day for all students and staff. It will not be a remote day nor a half day. Also, just as a reminder, Thursday there is no school in recognition of Veteran's Day. 

Chromebook Insurance Program

The Rome City School District is pleased to announce a new partnership with Worth Avenue Group to provide insurance to families for Chromebooks if desired. This optional program for families will provide coverage to repair/replace a device if something were to go wrong for a fraction of the cost for out-of-pocket repairs/replacements. This program would be a direct agreement between the family and the insurance carrier, the district has no involvement with the policy. For more information and/or to purchase the insurance coverage, please review this document:

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